Kansai roadtrip


My family and I went on a roadtrip from Kyoto to Osaka with the main goal of staying at a hot spring resort for two nights. Along the way we stopped by Sandanbeki Cliff , Engetsu Island and Nara Park. Here are some photos of this mini roadtrip we took.

The Colourful People of Japan Part 2!

The colorful people of Japan part 2! Here is another collection of interesting people I saw whilst I was in Japan. 

Tokyo, Japan.

Jurrasic Lounge


Jurassic Lounge has now become extinct however I was able to archive some of the taxidermy that were left... 

Another side of Cockatoo Island


 A couple of weeks ago I went to Cockatoo Island with two of my friends for the 19th Biennale of Sydney. I captured a few images of the art that was displayed there, which can be found in my previous post. The photos here are a collection of other aspects of Cockatoo Island I found really beautiful (many had the aid of light to highlight the images).
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