Abandoned farm


I like how the light brings out unexpected things from the night that can't be seen with a naked eye. This year for Halloween we decided to explore an abandon farm house that we drive by often to Ihop. In one of these houses it looks like maybe some homeless people have found solitude there for a while.

Brooklyn flea


it has become quite synonymous to find Japanese vintage hunters at Flea Markets in America and in England.

The sketchbook Project

I love fairy lights


A $5 grassroot concert held it some random students basement.

Apple Picking


Passion Puddle

A little gem at Rutgers University, New Brunswick campus.

Camden Community Farming

Girl love


Saturday was one of the best days of my trip to America. Everything about the day was love, full of love. Breakfast at Central park, a stroll along Strawberry Fields, a romantic boat ride on a lake, followed by listening to the best bands a music festival can offer Band of Horse, the Black Keys and the Foo Fighters. To be present for the last Foo Fighter concert only made me sing louder, I love them. It was than followed by a chill out session at an outside bar in the Financial District. Just way too much love for this girl. Reminds me that coming to America was the right thing to do. 
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